Oswestry Sports Forum
Oswestry Sports Clubs A to F.
Oswestry Sports Clubs G to Z.
Photo Gallery.
Forum Evenings.
Sports Awards.
Oswestry Games 2012.
Hall of Fame.
Oswestry Sports Council.
Good to Great!.
Latest News.....

Oswestry Sports Forum works towards the benefit of Sport and Physical Recreation in the Oswestry area and attempts to improve accessibility to Sport among the people of the area. This includes a small grants programme.   The Sports Forum comprises volunteers who represent a range of member sports clubs.  Oswestry Sports Forum provides a virtual place where members of the local sporting community can meet, discuss issues and share best practice - a forum for local sport.

Membership of Oswestry Sports Forum

Membership of Oswestry Sports Forum is open to all organisations in the Oswestry area provided that they support and promote the objects of the Sports Forum.  The Membership subscription fee is £10 per year, payable on 1st September.  
Membership entitles the organisation to attend meetings of the Sports Forum (e.g. Forum Evenings, the annual Sports Awards presentation evening and the AGM).  Each member club has one vote at the AGM.  Members who provide an email contact address will also receive updates concerning sport in the area, funding for clubs, coaching opportunities etc.  Member clubs are also eligible to apply for grants on the small grants scheme (see Grant Conditions).
To apply for membership, please complete the Membership Form and return it to the Secretary.
We also host annual Sports Awards to recognise local sporting performance and club volunteers.  We arrange Forum meetings on topics of interest to local sports men and women.  During the Oswestry Games 2012, we created a Hall of Fame for local sports stars, past and present, which is on permanent display in Oswestry Leisure Centre.
 See our Privacy Policy here.
The closing date for the next Grants round is Monday, 10th June 2024.  Grants will be decided at a meeting at 7.00 pm on Thursday, 4th July.  Applicants must attend or be represented at this meeting.  Full conditions and application forms can be downloaded from the “Grants” page - see tab on left-hand side of this page.
The area of benefit is any club or individual who lives or trains in Oswestry plus the area within 10 miles’ radius.  It includes St Martins, Ellesmere, Baschurch etc.  Clubs and individuals based within Oswestry Town will be eligible for the additional funding awarded to Oswestry Sports Forum by Oswestry Town Council.  Click on the Grants tab for how to apply.
If you would like to find out more about Oswestry Sports Forum or if you have a question about Sport in Oswestry, please contact us!

Susie Hancock
Chains Cottage
Old Racecourse
SY10 7PQ

NB. We have avoided showing the @ in the email addresses on this site in order to avoid spam to those addresses.
Hall of Fame
New members are inducted into the Oswestry Sporting Hall of Fame during an annual Forum Evening.  Suggestions for new members would be welcome.  Hall of Fame members are people from the Oswestry area who have achieved national importance in sport e.g. by representing their country (at Senior level, not age group) in international competition.  Please see the Hall of Fame page for more information.
Find us also on Facebook!

Oswestry Town Council funding
Oswestry Sports Forum is delighted to hear that Oswestry Town Council has agreed to continue their  support, by awarding the £3,000 stipend for the next year.  This funding goes towards grants awarded to clubs and individuals from the town of Oswestry.

Member clubs are requested to send a representative to the Oswestry Sports Forum AGM at 7.00pm on Thursday, 30th May in the Eastern Oswestry Community Centre, SY11 2LQ.  There are vacancies on the Grants Comittee to be filled. Please contact the Secretary for details of the role.

Inspiring Local Sports Stars
Two Oswestry sports stars were inducted into Oswestry’s Sporting Hall of Fame on the 26th April. Swimmer Dan Jones and Heavy Events lifting strongman Sam Martin both attended a ceremony at the Eastern Oswestry Community Centre.  They join an elite group of Oswestry Sporting heroes whose achievements are on permanent display at Oswestry Leisure Centre.
Commonwealth swimmer Dan and world record holder and European champion Sam, were interviewed on stage by Stuart Manford, himself a Commonwealth swimmer.  An enthusiastic audience of family, friends and supporters were treated to fascinating stories about the life of top-class sports stars and a chance to see again their performances at the Commonwealth Games and the World Atlas Stones Championships.

Sad News
Since its inception as a legacy project of the Oslympics, the Hall of Fame has been created and maintained by volunteer, Hazel Yates.  Hazel died unexpectedly on 8th January 2024.  Her tireless enthusiasm and hard work to make the Hall of Fame such an inspiring display, will be sadly missed. Oswestry Sports Forum committee members extend their sympathy to Hazel’s family.

Next Grants Round
The next Oswestry Sports Forum Grants will be  awarded at a meeting on Thursday, 4th July.  The closing date for applications to this round is Monday, 10th June.  


Dan Jones, and Sam Martin inducted into Oswestry Sporting Hall of Fame.